Black Cat Silverstar BNC to BNC

@ wig

Are you still mesmerized by this digital cable or have you found something better?

Showing 2 responses by macdude

"It is clear that the TRØN is superior in the background with the silky background and balance of the sound."

"There is a feeling that the sense of reality is more uplifted because momentum and dynamics expression before / after are wider, and propulsion is carried."


I upgraded to the Tron, due to urging from an audiophile friend.

"The Tron was tempting but couldn’t justify spending that much for a SPDIF."

It’s so good it will more than justify its price.

(assuming the rest of your system is capable of scaling to it)
Go straight for the Tron . .

Even if you have to beg, borrow, or steal.

Omg it's extraordinary.