biwire trick

Some of you seasoned vets may have heard of this, but I had never thought about it. Researching jumpers led me to Music direct's website, where in the description of some Nordost jumpers it read to try switching one lead from both mid and tweet. IOW take the positive lead from the tweeter and swap it with the pos lead from the mid.

I have a true biwire setup (separate runs for mid and tweet), don't know if this makes a diff, but the sound definitely improved: fuller, more natural, larger stage. try it as one of the easiest, free tweaks to do. You may be surprised.

Showing 1 response by lacee

It's worked for me.

I have DIY speaker cables and name brand speaker wires.

I have Ref 3A biwired speakers(which come with solid core thin wire jumpers).

I've posted here previously asking about what speaker wires other Ref owners were using, because I had not been having much luck whether I biwired or ran with jumpers using some pretty decent name wires.

Then I saw the Nordost ad and decided "why not" about the only thing i haven't tried.

It worked.

Even better than two runs of my DIY speaker cables.
The single run of speaker wires in the diagonal arrangement with the stock Ref 3a solid core jumpers has given me a much clearer listening experience.
It seems to flesh out the top end with no loss of heft to the low range.
I always felt running the conventional single wire with jumpers was a compromise depending on which set of speaker terminals you designated as the primary pair for the wires.

There is no sense of loss in either the top or bottom in this configuration and I'll leave the why for others to contemplate.

The upside is that one decent set of single speaker wires is all I need now, which is a cost effective improvement if I decide to upgrade my DIY wires.