BiWire Speaker Cables for Aerial 10t

Any suggestion on type of bi-wire speaker cables that will make the Aerial 10t sing?
PSC Audio Pristine R50 Silver Alloy. Based on Larry Greenhill of Stereophile Magazine and the Recommended Components List for the last 3 years, I purchased these cables. I'm in bliss with my Aerial 10t/AR VT200 combination. I even purchased the Pristine R30 Balanced cables for the rest of my equipment. Hard to find a dealer, but worth it.
Perry; old post,but glad I revisited for and update.Sold my Sy.RE. - Got Analis + / and the jumpers. Who would have thought that 1/3 the price has outdone my previous best(I could afford)champion.
I chose the XLO internal Bi-wire. XLO will make virtually any configurtion wire you want.

When I switched from the high-end Monster Cable, my listening level when from -30db to -40db (a dramatic improvement), leaving more headroom within my amp.
Gih526;how much was the set? I have Syn. Research,but I know there is a whole lot more to making these speakers sing;beyond the speaker cabeling.I'm enroling my speakers at Julliard next year.
I just purchased a pair of Nordost Blue Haven Rev. II for my 10Ts. These were recommended by my dealer as the best bi-wire cables for the Aerials. I can honestly say he was correct. Better than the MIT, Audio Quest, and Kimber cables I demoed at home over the past two months. They have great detail, super fast, and the bass is tighter.