I have the VR4SRmk2 and love the Satori Shotguns in my system.
Biwire oval 9's, single Zen Satori - surprised
I have to say I'm shocked. I have a pair of Von S vr3's and love them. I was using the satoris non bi-wired with satori jumpers. I bought a pair of oval 9 shotguns and was so convinced they would be that much better I Put my zens up for sale. Wow!! I so wanted them to be better, but the mids were muddy it sounded like a small radio. I tested, checked and tightened. I put my zens back and aaaaahhh. What the heck happened? I thought biwired speakers should be biwired! Is the quality that different.? I took the zens off sale and look for the 9's. What do you all think. Thx