Biwire oval 9's, single Zen Satori - surprised

I have to say I'm shocked. I have a pair of Von S vr3's and love them. I was using the satoris non bi-wired with satori jumpers. I bought a pair of oval 9 shotguns and was so convinced they would be that much better I Put my zens up for sale. Wow!! I so wanted them to be better, but the mids were muddy it sounded like a small radio. I tested, checked and tightened. I put my zens back and aaaaahhh. What the heck happened? I thought biwired speakers should be biwired! Is the quality that different.? I took the zens off sale and look for the 9's. What do you all think. Thx

Showing 3 responses by kijanki

I have Satori Shotguns and like them a lot. Nice combination of detailed upper midrange and slightly pronounced lower midrange (where my class D amp sounded a little thin). I've never heard Oval 9s but read many reviews. They suppose to be more bassy what might be very good in some systems.

Shotguns are optimized for low and high frequencies (not identical) and marked accordingly. I had to install spades and discovered that wires inside are exactly the same. I doubt that there is any other difference.

Be careful if you terminate yourself because between whole bunch of solid insulated wires (about 10) one is stranded containing again at least 10 strands of very thin wire. Be sure to clean it and not to break. I crimped AQ spades with AQ crimper borrowed from local audio store and then soldered with 4% silver solder heating wire first to avoid thermal expansion of the spade that might release oxygen free connection.
Fz1jmp, I wasn't crazy about bananas that it came with (getting loose) but it wasn't perhaps factory termination (I bought it used). Sound-wise the best should be bare wires followed by spades and then bananas, but I couldn't hear any sonic improvement with spades.