Bill Chinook / Bruce Springsteen

Has anyone ever heard Bruce Springsteen mention Bill Chinook? Bill was a "founder" of early E Street Band w/ some members joining up w/ Bruce's band. He was making that Asbury sound before Bruce, but I have never heard "the Boss" mention him. I may be partial to him because he settled up here in Maine way back in the 1970's and played often in the bars and dance halls. And released a couple excellent albums, Dime Store Heroes is one of my favorites.

Showing 1 response by martykl

My issue with Springsteen, in general (and his politics in particular) is that IMO his political awakening moved him radically away from his greatest musical strength. Those songs on the first three records, with their stories of triumph over long odds, played perfectly to his anthemic music. Swelling horns herald victory! It was truly rousing music, IMO.

Once Bruce focused on the bruising reality, rather than the inspiration victory, it all got smaller, darker, and less fun. That put a huge burden on the music to be insightful, deeply moving, and desperate. For some, he obviously succeeded. For me, not so much. I just don’t think he’s great at it.

Oddly, I also think it fully explains the misappropriation of Born in the USA. The music is rousing (just like the good old days) and the refrain sounds patriotic enough at first listen, so people jumped on it as a return to the good old days. People wanted Bruce to be the old Bruce, so that’s what they made of the song - despite its obvious message to the contrary.

I never blame Springsteen for either the politics or the misuse of BITUSA, but I just don’t find much of his stuff after Born to Run particularly effective. Again, YMMV.