Biggest Sonic Improvement

What is the biggest sonic improvement you have ever made to your audio system. Mine was a surprise to me. I replaced my Audioquest PT6 tonearm on my VPI turntable with a VPI JMW Memorial tonearm. The improvement in the sound nearly knocked me off my feet. I never realized a tonearm coud make that much difference in sound. How about some of you guys, what has your most exciting improvement been.

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When I hooked up a 2 dollar yard sale B.S.R.turntable that had a dirty old Shure cartridge on it.I had to super glue the cantilever on it as it was flopping around.The first second I knew my Digital days were over.Beat the HELL out of my old Denon DCM 440 0r 460 (forgot model #) I havent looked back since and now have a Rega-25 and Grado woody.ANALOG!!!!!!!