Big vintage amps worth paying for and keeping for a long time

Lamm hybrids, Rowland 8t, Levinson 23.5 etc. How reliable are they and how expensive to fix if something goes wrong ? Capacitors, resistors needing replacement, after 25 years, 30 years, something else ?
I didn't mention Gryphon and Nagra, as examples, they are too expensive even old.

Showing 1 response by trelja

@ebm "Had Rowland 8T for many years Jeff Rowland has great service and says thats the best amp he has ever made."

I always react whenever I hear someone say this.  While it's often true in other realms, when it comes to a still viable HEA manufacturer on that level, it defies logic. If that was really the best amp he ever made, why did he stop making them?  More importantly, why on earth would anyone spend such incredible prices for his more recent / current offerings when they could own JRDG's best amplifier for so much less?  More likely, it's meant to diffuse the typical audiophilia nervosa, and put the owner at ease.