Typically small room means positioning the speakers near the walls. Most speakers are not designed for this sort of placement. I can think of one exception, Audio Note, which are designed for corner placement and, can sound wonderful, and are easy to drive, opening the door to just about any amplifier, including low wattage designs.
There are also speakers that are less affected by near-wall placement, the most obvious being horn designs.
If there's a country that, generally speaking, produces speakers for smaller rooms, that's definitely England. Designs from ProAc, Harbeth, Spendor, Audio Note, Rega, KEF, etc. might help to narrow down the list of possibilities.
There are also speakers that are less affected by near-wall placement, the most obvious being horn designs.
If there's a country that, generally speaking, produces speakers for smaller rooms, that's definitely England. Designs from ProAc, Harbeth, Spendor, Audio Note, Rega, KEF, etc. might help to narrow down the list of possibilities.