Big Something

One of the simple pleasures of this hobby is when you discover new artists. One of my sources for new music is the Home Grown Music Network ( which promotes independent artists around the country and publishes college radio charts. In 2010 their album of the year was Big Something's "Stories From the Middle of Nowhere". I picked it up on a lark and really enjoyed it. Big Something is a 6 piece rock and roll band with sax, guitars,keyboards, and a lot of electronic Eno like "treatments". Their music is difficult to describe. It is heavily layered- kind of like David Byrne playing Roxy Music with the Dave Matthews Band. Yesterday I received Big Something's self titled sophomore release. It is a really impressive self funded package with high quality sound, graphics, and tight musicianship. Most importantly, it is really refreshing in its originality. These guys deserve a major label contract. You can check them out on the web and order their cd from Homegrown.
Thanks for the heads up on Big Something as well as the Home Grown site, Max. Info on new music is one of the best things about A'gon.
Thank for the heads up. I'll check it out tomorrow. Sadly, I don't know if a major label deal is out there for a band that's even 6 inches outside the mainstream these days.