Big Mcintosh MC1000 pwr amp s?

comment's from user's on these big mono bloc's.
are the new MC1201's better?
At the risk of receiving negative ratings (seems like it happens every time you knock what someone else owns,.... petty) I must agree with Avnut. I had a friend who ran a MC500 with VR-6's. The VR's, as you know, were "speaker of the year", "stereophile Class A rated", blah, blah, blah. A really nice sounding speaker in the right system. I brought over a Mesa Baron to this guy's house back when I owned one and we were both BLOWN away by difference in soundstaging. The Mesa sounded real and palpable with a lot more slam than anyone would want or need in a 20X35 room. After we had played around a while we put the Mac back in the rig and all of a sudden it sounded like someone had thrown big goosedown comforters over the VR's; it was a disgusting difference, for him. At the end of the day he convinced me to leave him with the Mesa until he figured out what he was going to step into. He settled on a Plinius 250 and I swear those guys are hiding tubes in there somewhere.
I guess it just goes to show with us older guys - you are either a McIntosh man or you're not - not much in between.
Ljgj, If it's any consolation, I love my MR67. But of course, would be willing to part with it at the right price :)
If Fonsy66 likes the McIntosh sound, there is no reason for people to knock it here, beyond just mentioning it.

I heard the MC1000s a few years ago and I found them to be similar to other Mc amps in sound. The dealer did say that depending on the speakers you use with them, the sound can change A LOT. He had a whole list he would not recommend pairing up with them - I don't remember which ones though. He said the same goes for other Mc amps but less so. Sounds like some people here neglected to pair up the right speakers with these big amps.

Fonsy66: If you like the sound of this big boys, make sure your speakers will too. good luck! Arthur