biamping with 75 watt solid state and 18 watt tube amp.klipsch rp600m...t

trying to get some decent sound out of kliosch rp600m...biamping with 75 watt solid state and 18 watt tube
What are you going to use to split the frequencies?

EDIT: Are you using an AVR for your SS power? 
"...can anyone out there help me figure out what am i to expect..."

I'm still not sure what you are trying to do but you are not going to be happy. Despite their claim of efficiency the Klipsch loudspeakers need a little power to sound best. Bi-amping with cheap amps will not get you there. You will want a smooth SS amp or a 25 plus watt all tube amp. I'm thinking you may not have enough budget to tame those loudspeakers for anything other than just background music. 
75watt and 18watt amps will have different gains.  How are you going to adjust for that?