Biamp Low frequecy amp recommend

I have a tube based system, need a smooth lf amp with High current about 200 into 8 that doubles into 4 ect. Low priced. Ive had krell ect in the past which are great just dont have the $$ after new speaker purchase.

Showing 1 response by illenema12f40

Thanks for the replies. Ive Biamped several times before.
When I was running my 801#3 with a krell ksa250, i went to the local shop and for fun I brought home a pair of 565 adcom mono blocks to compare to the 250, The 565 matched the krell stride for stride if not besting it in the lows with speed and control. Of couse the krell kicked it in the ass as far as natural presentation in the mids and highs adcom was steely sounding.Thanks for the replys.