Bi Wiring - Any Good

Having read the response of "Fotopres" to the BiAmp question and agreeing with the engineering concept, I have wondered about the value of BiWiring from an Amp to the speakers with two sets of connection posts. Does anyone have an explanation for the value of BiWiring?

Showing 1 response by peterco

It does indeed work, however, only if the crossover was properly designed in the first place! You can now buy budget loudspeakers for $199/pr which have "bi-wire" inputs, but the chance that the crossovers in these units are any good from a "single wire" input standpoint is questionable. Remember on thing, all of the caveats that go along with component matching (in this case amplifier/cable/loudspeaker) are at work here, but with DOUBLE the variables. Bi-wiring is not a magic fix for a poor sounding system. Get all of the other aspects of your system "right" and then, as they say in England, "suck it and see". The golden rule of audio is as follows "if it sounds good to you, it is good". No amount of further advice is required.