Bi-wire v's single with jumper leads.

I am looking for your views on which you think are better.
A good set of bi-wire cables or a better single cable run with a good set or jumper leads?
Thank you.

Showing 1 response by almarg

IMO bi-wiring is one of the few contentious issues in audio that there is no point in analyzing or debating theoretically. There are many subtle technical effects that can come into play to a small degree, a lot of them having been mentioned above and in the links that were provided, and their net result will, as I see it, undoubtedly be system and listener dependent.

-- Al

P.S: Kijanki, don't forget the 2pi factor for inductive reactance (which your post 4 years ago correctly reflected). 35 milliohms should be 220 milliohms, and Z = 222 milliohms.