Bi-wire Cable Choices?...

Anybody have strong feelings for or preferences toward one of the following bi-wire speaker cables?

*TARA LABS RSC Prime Bi-wire
*DH LABS Q-10 Bi-wire
*Signal Cable Internal Bi-wire

They will connect a Roksan Caspian Integrated Amp to Epos M-12 speakers. My current wire is Kimber 4 PR singles. The sound is good yet seems a tad lean and small(?). Will bi-wire necessarily fill out the sound? Deeper? Fuller? I'm looking at keeping the cost under $200 for 6-8ft. Thanks mucho, Jerry
I use 2 separate runs of 4S11 to each Vandy 2Ci. 2 14 ga. twisted together = 11 ga. It's so cheap why not!!
When you say separate runs (I'm assuming this is in a bi-wire configuration), do you mean 4 separate cables running from amp to speakers? Is this what's called "shotgun" bi-wiring? If I am understanding this correctly, I assume you bind the amp-end cables together so as to connect them to the binding post. Is this correct? And does this offer you any noticeable improvements in low-end? The low-end is what I'm after. Thanks, Jerry
Yes. I made up 2 runs of 4S11 per channel. The amp end has one run with spades and the second run with bananas. I use the 5-way binding posts to secure both spades and bananas. You could bind them together as you mention. Or use spades on both. I'm pretty sure this is what shotgun means. I'm satisfied with the bass. As has been said previously, it's too cheap not to try.
I've had the Q10s biwired from a Rogue 88 amp to Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod speakers for about a year and find them to be a well balanced cable(not excessively bright with good bass). I upgraded on advice from a person in the business who knows the Shearwater speakers very well. Only thing I can compared them to are DH Labs T14 which were definitely brighter and leaner on the bass. I've also tried biwiring with Monster cable but the Q10s deliver a fuller sound with better sound stage. I bought my 11 foot pair on this site for about $180.
I own Canare Star Quad 4S11 too!! I never really compared them to anything else. They seem pretty good to me.