Bi-amping with "split mono-blocks"?

Has anyone ever used a pair of stereo tube amps to bi-amp speakers in a configuration such that each speaker has it's own stereo amp driving both the upper and lower blocks?

I think this would have the effect of separating the channels effectively as if using monoblocks and also allowing a bi-amp configuration to the speaker.

FWIW, I'm running a Premier 11A into VR4JRs and I've have a desire to try bi-amping but I also want to try monoblocks. I thought that if I bought another Premier 11A instead of trading up to the Premier 12, I could have benefits of both biamping and monoblocks. The combined power of two Premier 11As would be about the same as a Premier 12. Also I'm thinking I could use KT90s on the bass path to get the extra I want there and use 6550s on the uppers to retain the sparkle that the KT90s seem to lack.

Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by walkelin


I have the exact situation that you are describing. I use separate stero amps to power my bi-wire N802's. I use a spliter on the pre amp to give me two outputs for each channel. I use one side of the amp to power the bottom portion of the speaker and the remaining channel to do the top portion. I have found this arrangement to be very dynamic and provides a lot of headroom. My amps are capable of being switched to mono but the manufactor recommends running them in stero which gave me the idea of using one amp per speaker. I also have tried running them with one amp to power the left / right bottom and the other amp left / right top. Either configuration works I don't know if there is a sonic or performance benifit in either option.