Bi-amping solid state & tubes?

I just got a pair of BAT VK60s to drive ProAc 3.8s, but I miss some of the bass from my old amp (KSA200s). I was thinking of bi-amping the Krell on the bottom and the BATs on the mid/highs, but have been told it would cause more problems than it would solve. How do I do it (any special modifications or hookups) and what are the pros & cons? Is it too much juice - it would be 320 watts/side and the speakers are rated for 50 to 250?

Showing 1 response by dkarmeli

Biamping with 2 sets of the same amplifier is already complicated and very difficult to get proper results. I know your speakers very well. I do not think that you will be satisfied with the results. It's impossible to get the BAT and Krell to mesh sonically. You will end up getting a discontinuous sound even if you manage to get the levels of the amplifiers right. The diverse tonal balance of the these amps will be most evident on instruments like Cellos that have a wide frequency range. You will hear half the instrument sound like tube amps and the bottom end like Krells. There are other amps out there that will give you a much more musical sound and a proper deep full bodied bass that you crave. You ought to listen to the Lamm ML1 amps. They have the most musical and neutral sound of any amplifier with truly realistic, fleshy bass. It's also a great match to the Proacs. rgds, david k.,