Yes it would work fine, more cables however. But you will have a left over channel doing nothing. Beyond that it may or may not be better sound, test it and see if there are any benefits to it and decide from there, just use cables that you have or borrow to see what happens. Something to remember though is that the woofer section generally dictates the overall impeadance, so the 6 ohm will probably drop more when you are driving the speakers, and will probably be only an 8 ohm load or something on the midrange and tweeter half, this is fine, but could heat up 2 of the channels and barely pull much from the others if that makes sense, this could be benificial if you are looking for more bass and to tame the treble and mids however. Trying it and hearing for yourself will be the key, but it is safe to do it so its up to you.
Bi-amping Question?
I am and amature to highend audio and am trying to get into it by first messing around with low-end eqiupment and learn concepts. Quick question. I have a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 8.4 (rated at 150W-RMS 6ohm impendence). Additionally I have a ROTEL RB985 (5 channel at @ 100W per channel at 8 ohm.) Could I bi-wire/bi-amp the Diamond 8.4s using two outputs for each speaker from the amp (i.e. Use Left Front to power Low Frequency of the Left Speaker and Left Rear to power the High Frequency of the Left Speaker and use similar setting for the right speaker). Since the Stereo pre-amp I have has two outputs for each channel, I was planning to connect Left out to Left Front and Left Rear and Right out to Right front and Right Rear on the Rotel amp. Would this actually make a sonic difference? Putting 100W in High Frequency and 100W in Low Frequency = The speaker being powered with 200W or is it still effectively 100W? Any ideas-under the assumption I am buying no additional equipment?