Bi-amping Question?

I am and amature to highend audio and am trying to get into it by first messing around with low-end eqiupment and learn concepts. Quick question. I have a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 8.4 (rated at 150W-RMS 6ohm impendence). Additionally I have a ROTEL RB985 (5 channel at @ 100W per channel at 8 ohm.) Could I bi-wire/bi-amp the Diamond 8.4s using two outputs for each speaker from the amp (i.e. Use Left Front to power Low Frequency of the Left Speaker and Left Rear to power the High Frequency of the Left Speaker and use similar setting for the right speaker). Since the Stereo pre-amp I have has two outputs for each channel, I was planning to connect Left out to Left Front and Left Rear and Right out to Right front and Right Rear on the Rotel amp. Would this actually make a sonic difference? Putting 100W in High Frequency and 100W in Low Frequency = The speaker being powered with 200W or is it still effectively 100W? Any ideas-under the assumption I am buying no additional equipment?

Showing 2 responses by erasmusj

You still need to have a crossover between the preamp and the amplifier. If you don't, then you risk of destroying the drivers (and seriously degrading the sound). Alternatively if you leave the speaker crossovers in circuit then you are simply running bridged pairs of channels to each speaker, not biamping. Unfortunately biamping isn't possible when "buying no additional equipment". Biamping is also not "connect and play". You will need to tune the electronic or digital crossover to exactly match the speaker crossovers, or better still account for room resonances.
Apologies - I did not know that running pairs of amplifiers through the passive crossover was also referred to as bi-amping. I tried this years ago and was disappointed.
Recently I managed to get the right equipment together for actively biamping my Tannoy D900s. While not a trivial job, the result was well worth while. Besides slightly greater realism, it was particularly helpful on the louder passages when voices stand out better against the instruments. Much better for rock music for the same reasons. Another advantage is less distortion in the very high frequencies resulting in better cymbals on those recordings that have the information in the frst place.