bi amping question

I have an Audio Research LS7 preamp and want to run two amps to bi amp a pair of speekers. The pre has only one pair of outputs for a power amp, can I use a y conector and feed two amps ?

Thanks for all the ifo everyone.

I have not rolled any thru these but am trying to learn more and start experimenting, as the oe tubes are getting old. I have had these since new around 1996 I think. I would welcome recomendation!
Mr F- That's why I asked what sound appeals to you more: There are some NOS 6SN7/VT-231's that offer a very lucid/dynamic(transparent/accurate) presentaton, and then some that are somewhat warmer and relaxed(euphonic). It could save you some $$ to try the tubes that fit your preferences early in the game.
I am open for learning here, I like musical, close to live music as possible. I like detail but not a the expense of musicality.... is that what people call warm? I dont really get all the nomenclature.

Clueless in tube land
I'm still trying to figure out what some people term "musicality" myself. To me the term SHOULD connote allowing all the MUSIC to pass without adding or subtracting anything. In other words: transparent, detailed, extended and fast bass(gotta feel the skin), accurate timbre/transients/decays, dynamics, a wide and deep soundstage with the instruments and performers placed and spaced within as intended by the recording engineer(hopefully- a good one). I listen to live music at least twice a week as a soundtech, and don't want any extra warmth, sweetness(read glazed donut), sibilance, glare or stridency(what some think is detail)... well, you know: the stuff that's just not there in a well set up venue(be it acoustic or plugged in). Some enjoy that, and what they enjoy is their business(who am I to say what's right in their listening room?). I guess to them that's, "musicality".
Based on the many posts involving "musicality" there's no doubt it is a nebulous term and connotes many different definitions/descriptions.

To me musicality is simply enjoyment of the component's sonics. If you accept this, then musicality is subjective and varies from listener to listener.

I wouldn't know how to define it any other way.