Bi amping my Vonschwikert VR4jrs

I want to bi amp my VR4jr's but have been told that i need perfectly matched amps to do this. Is it possible to run my larger amp 200wpc for the base units, and a smaller amp for the mids/tweets?
Celeste HT3 Amp
Sim Audio Moon p-5 pre amp
Vonschwikert VR4jr speakers
Project RM5

Showing 4 responses by bones45

As a listener, not an engineer, is there anyone in the Sacramento California area that can point me in the right direction to get this resister/gain thing figured out?
I am not sure what amp to get. Thats the next step after figuring out how to get it done. I am thinking Tube 25-40 WPC. i am very budget minded. any recommendations?
I am bi wired at this point using Audioquest sst solid core. I chose the solid core because it really tightened up the bass. I listen mostly to classic rock and Jazz. although it has great sound now, i am looking for sweeter M/T than i curently get.