bi-amping for VSA 4JR's

I would like to have tubes for M/T and SS for base. I am a plug and play kinda guy. Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by stewie

I recently bi-amped my VR4 genIIIs with great results. For tubed mids and tweets I bought a pair of Will Vincent's (autospec) Dynaco mk iiis (he has an identical pair for sale here now, I do believe), and for the bass cabinets I'm using a recapped Kenwood supreme 700m; pre-amp is a 700c.

What made things easy--you mentioned being a "plug-and-play kinda guy"--is having 1)a power amp with a volume control and 2) a pre-amp with two sets of outputs. No fuss no muss. You simply reduce the volume on the ss amp so that it matches the output on your tube amp (or amps), and you're good to go. In my case, the 700m puts out about 190 wpc, the Dynacos 60 wpc, so I set the volume on the 700m to about 4, and leave it alone.

There are lots of good amps out there, of course, but I will just say that you won't be disappointed in Will's Dyna mk iiis. Hard to beat for that price, and they're gorgeous to look at if that matters. Good luck.