Bi-amping advice for M/L Aerius

I am interested in bi-amping my M/L Aerius. They presently are running off a B&K Ref 2220. Would my best be to get another 2220; or could anyone recommend another amp that would match it well?

Showing 2 responses by no_money

Vermonter, Pcc is right, you would be surprised what these speakers will do with a higher grade amp. I am using a Proceed HPA2 and they will rock more than you think. I haven't heard the B&K but you might want to try and audition some other amps before you make a final decision on whether to Bi-amp or upgrade your present amp. Good Luck.
By the way, DO BI-WIRE these speakers.
These speakers have taken me through many upgrades and get better every time. I started with CJ PV10a and Sonograph sa125 amp. Then I swithched to Proceed amp with ARC LS-15 and upgraded cable to Transparent "super" balanced between pre and amp, single ended between cd (Sony 9000es) and pre and super bi-wire to the ML's. All of this of course was not done at the same time. Every upgrade was very noticeable through these speakers. Now I got the bug to upgrade to the next line of Transparent......this is killing me.