Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
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Showing 14 responses by teo_audio

I don't think that's true at all.
I think we've come to the point that most gear measures well,and after that, it's tied to distortions and changes in the reproduced signal vs the original, that don't come across very well in the weighting of a standard engineering approach to electrical and acoustical signals.
The ear does not work that way.
I repeat, the ear does not work that way.
I repeat, the ear does not work that way.
I repeat, the ear does not work that way.
I can only say it so many times.
It takes the other half of the equation to read it, get it, take it in, and do the correct things with it.
It's been possible to end this debate for quite some time now.

I've known it in detail for a very long time.
I won't share the specifics as this is part of the money maker.
But I will do people the service of mentioning it.
"Beware the audio guru"

“If you meet the Buddha, kill him.”– Linji
The explanation:

I’m sure you already realize that it’s not being literal. The road, the killing, and even the Buddha are symbolic.

The road is generally taken to mean the path to Enlightenment; that might be through meditation, study, prayer, or just some aspect of your way of life. Your life is your road. That’s fairly straightforward as far as metaphors go.

But how do you meet the Buddha on this “road?” Imagine meeting some symbolic Buddha. Would he be a great teacher that you might actually meet and follow in the real world? Could that Buddha be you yourself, having reached Enlightenment? Or maybe you have some idealized image of perfection that equates to your concept of the Buddha or Enlightenment.

Whatever your conception is of the Buddha, it’s WRONG! Now kill that image and keep practicing. This all has to do with the idea that reality is an impermanent illusion. If you believe that you have a correct image of what it means to be Enlightened, then you need to throw out (kill) that image and keep meditating.

Most people have heard the first chapter of the Tao, “The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.” (So if you think you see the real Tao, kill it and move on).

Audio is the same. It’s a journey, a moment of now, in constant motion and change. Finality is not a real or functional thing. It does not exist. Finality is a dead thing. This is about life, which is change.
For me, my music tastes are always changing, I don’t suckle on the comfort music of old, as that’s when we get into that whole dead thing area...
numbers... as a thing that is seeked out to create concrete permanence... is no less the same. Engineers are trained to live and exist by these biblical aspects.

A scientist, a real one, a theoretician, is designed or wired to understand that all is theory and no facts really exist. If they did it any other way, the future you understand as the now, would never have happened.

Beware the fact. Beware positions. Beware polarization. Beware sides. Beware statements. Most of all, beware the monkey in your mind, which seeks out the comfort of knowing and facts, in order to be and feel safe. That safety/fear filter underlies and controls and colors every single thought, view, and breath you may take.
Everybody gots themselves a little tiny Dunning-Kruger inside.

All it needs is the right stimulus to get it up an’ a’ goin’.

When we each reach our limit on a given thing, we move from safe ground to unknowns, or not fully fleshed out stuff..where ’facts’ and ’suppositions’, or things inferred, begin to mix..and then that moves over to the level of full unknowns as we get further off our knowledge base.

Where exactly that occurs in the given mind, is individual. We tend to play all things safe, it’s a life and being alive thing.

Fear first. It’s how the body works.

Survival first and foremost and all others things are ’allowed’ to ’be’ after fear is satisfied. No heartbeat, no body, and the rest means nothing. Fear first. Fear wants assurances and facts, otherwise it upsets the body and then the whole edifice is messed up, chemically and otherwise. We are wired for this as our primary filter in thought, ego, body, and so on. Love is in the mix, of course, but fear and desire are the primary filters for the body and the hindbrain. Everything runs through them first, foremost, always, in every heartbeat. When they are settled, reason can emerge.

Except for the point that the reason and logic centers were never meant to run all the time, it’s too energy taxing so they were designed to come up, solve a problem and then go back to sleep. The danger of first answer found, which can easily and often is, incorrect. The brain is half in - half out, half conscious, half subconscious instinctual automaton. importantly, it is run by the unconscious and that unconscious is more potent and intelligent than the conscious mind but - is driven quite differently.

Be conscious of the design and don’t make the first answer found mistake that we are literally wired for. If you look at politics and Machiavellian manipulations in all areas of the world, this is what you see. The manipulation of this fundamental hindbrain phenomena. So all those logic and reasoning suppositions and projections become paramount in the body’s constant scan for survival.

It is estimated that 97% of the population live in this mental state as primary function and 3% are not of such wiring. That the 3% are more mentally aware and awake more of the time.

It’s a complex subject, but we can see that when we get into even the slightest aspect of a subject that is multifaceted. Argument ---is the norm.

It can be no other way.

This is the danger of science and engineering that touches the edges of our collective and individual reality frameworks, it is rife with insistence in facts, when it is, in reality... [reality is] fundamentally all theories that are subject to change.

The less a person knows in this [given] area the more the fundamental of the human body insists on the projection of knowing. To get it right, the person has to be more aware of the vehicle they occupy, and this is a very weak area in scientific engineering. Lack of awareness of the bottle the being is in ...and how deeply it affects the drive, projections... and outcomes. Ie, bad facts, bad projections, that temporarily work, but end up circular and in a blocked corner.

Good science, by aware people, can sweep the blocking false end points away. They end up fighting with those who insist on the blocked end point, as it is 'safe' and a 'known' thing. this can't project into the complex new.. so the new must be false. The cry of the weak position, about charlatans and whatnot.

Eg, in case you did not know, Einstein received death threats from other scientists, when his original relativity works were proposed. It's not the science, it's the humans in the science.

Part of how to not be a turnip, or the follow up from my last post.
Seek comfort and you die ...and condemn your children, and children’s children.... to being turnips....ever downward, ever less alive, ever less human:

Brain over brawn?

Previous research found correlations between large brain size in species and complex social structures, living in challenging environments, and an ability to learn lessons from peers—also described as "culture".

But no studies have been able to conclude whether these factors are the cause of brain expansion, or the result of it.

With colleague Andy Gardner, Gonzalez-Forero developed a mathematical model to measure whether being confronted with ecological and social problems has a measurable impact on brain growth, and if yes, how much.

Model "brains" were presented with ecological challenges—finding prey in bad weather or in tough terrain, for example, preserving food to protect it against mold or heat spoilage, or storing water amid drought.

Social challenges were introduced too, to test the influence on brain growth of cooperation and competition between individuals and groups.

Interestingly, cooperation was associated with a decrease in brain size, the researchers said—probably because it allows individuals to rely on each other’s resources and to save energy by growing smaller brains themselves.

"We find that increasingly difficult ecological problems expand brains, but social demands fail to lead to human sized brains," Gonzalez-Forero told AFP.

But why did human brains grow more than those of other animals living in challenging environments?

Probably because of culture—the ability to learn skills from others rather than having to figure everything out for ourselves.

"So, our results suggest that it is the interaction of hard ecology and culture that produced the human brain size," said Gonzalez-Forero.

Read more at:

To be comfortable, to seek comforts and be ’happy’ in the middle of the herd and be accepted... is to condemn your own genes (and your own daily expression in motion) and their expression... into the downward spiral of automaton and idiocy.

The action, the future, and the growth of humanity... and most specifically, growth of the that place where the darkness of the unknown begins..the edges. When one is there, and communicates about it... the condemnation, screeching, ridicule, and rejection from the middle of the herd..becomes the loudest.

One is dumbing on down, the other is -stepping on up.
So what’s it gonna be? Comfort and peace, suckling and quiet, or the future and the growth?

I’ve been on that path of being in constant discomfort, and on the edges of it, reaching into the darkness, since I was 12 ...and realized it was the only way out of ’death by simplicity and comforts’. I will not walk down the road - like everyone else. There’s nothing there.

If you look carefully and wisely enough, everything in this life and world is pointing you right at this understanding. It should not take a scientific article to make it real in your mind. That would not be the correct method and it would be the dead automaton way (life as a spaceholder for inactivated genes?). Making everyone else lift your load, you see... which is exactly the problem the article itself raises.

And much more, of course. It's only a simple post on a forum...
This is getting complicated.

The closer to the edge you get, the the more of the self the problem consumes. It’s the mental equivalent of attempting to reach light speed. Just one way of expressing it that might help.
Your post is also highly revealing more of the true nature of the Laurel vs Yanny issue that was recently brought to light.

And is part of how we create our own sensory input filter and apply previously cognated aspects to our new cognition, as a short cut in time, in order to posses a faster form of sensory recognition in the given moment. Ie we pull from our library of heard and seen things, when we encounter the new.

This is why some say that cables make no difference.

They’ve wired themselves to be aurally ’blind’. Seriously.

Then the insistence that fuses make no difference, even when a purely engineering and scientific analysis says the opposite., and such analysis supports what people say they hear.

Negative proofing keeps the middle of the herd safe, and makes everyone else lift their load. Additionally, it kills and dumbs down the edges of the herd via directed force..all when the edges of the herd --is what is actually keeping the middle of the herd alive.

Being on the edges of the herd forces one to contend with the projected violence and insanity that pours out of the middle of the herd. Even though the middle of the herd sees it as the opposite.

Throughout the full encompassed, er, scope of human system of life is borne.

Which has the more raw deal? The edges where the action is but one is constantly attacked and torn down by the middle, or the dead minds and lives of the middle - who have no idea how dead they are?

"This is getting complicated!" you sez...

"Good!" the universe says, as it grins, and gleefully picks up a pointed stick -and pokes it in your I.
Fuses are known to be odd order harmonic distorting in their current clamping, and this translates to forms of inconstant non-repeating odd order harmonics.

The ear is INORDINATELY sensitive to this sort of distortion signal.
It is how we stay alive as a human animal. Core. Critical. Absolute in value. the snap of a small twig, the rustling of the grass, the thup thup thup of the padded foot of the predator approaching, the breath of the tiger, the change in the bird song...we are wired for it. Core.  Our ears and associated brain aspects never sleep. As long as we are alive, our hearing is on. Like the heart, it never stops.

Some of us have these skills undeveloped or absent, some of us have it still... and overdeveloped, even.

Objectivity is a state of mind in a purely subjective reality. Everything in this place runs through a subjectivity fundamental filter.

Objectivity is merely and agreed upon individually derived mindset. Objectivity only exists in your mind. It’s a convention. A concept. A projection. Nothing more.

Anyone who thinks objectivity is a real thing, really needs to get back to psych 101 class and get mentally slapped about and around for quite a while, until they let go of that fundamental logic error. :)

Everyone agrees on orange.

In reality there are 7 billion interpretations of orange, and not one of them is the same.

Ear/brain combinations are far worse in this respect, regarding the level of individuation of differences.
Well, you know how it is. If you can’t fart in a crowded elevator and observe the pained attempts at normalcy, then what fun would life be?

Anyway, it can be like that. Some value normalcy over acts of open noticing of the silliness of some of the frameworks of this thing we are in, and so called space we occupy.

Fitting in and dancing the square dance of life with everyone else creates enough cohesion and stability to notice.... but too much cohesion creates a sameness that is pretty well synonymous with death.

In there somewhere is this lurching thing we call humanity, it moves like a drunken car slamming off the road barrier on one side, over to the other. If it were stable, that would just be another form of death.

Sameness is sameness in any context an it is dangerous to the growth and continuance of intelligence, but too much chaos breaks down the frameworks which intelligence attempts to create itself in.

So who’s to say in the end? Some human, or human organization... with a limited view? I don’t think so....
Everything can be dubious on forums, as we’re missing 90% of the actual proper communication in words vs actual physical presence. Even in the full presence communications, things can go pear shaped.

So I tend to put little true weight into written posts on forums, for whatever such is worth. Which can be akin to just 10%. Sorta. Kinda.

Our problems begin when our mind and bodies pick up the 10% that is communicated and make up the other 90%. We fill in with something coming from ourselves. Just like the monkey trying to suss out what is rustling in the tall grass on the edge of the clearing, in the Savannah. We must know and be wholly decisive, or we die. It’s a critical fundamental function of projection into the minor bits of data witnessed. It’s the core primary filters of mind and body that we have inherited and exist through.

It’s what we’re designed to do, and unless aware of it, we will tend to do that.

The dominoes of logic that might fall from that sort of observation... is that forums can be a greater mirror of self ~for all others to see~ than just about any other form of human communication that has ever been invented.

Thus, can what I’m typing now be the true shape, direction, meaning and intent that is in my mind right now?

Not even close. Barely in the same building. And it’s the best the written word can do.

To add, due to human emotions and the 90% individual personal fill in, being non-provocative is the best way to get the thought to remain in the equation for the reader.

But, without provocation, in some way, overall, people’s minds --- die on the vine. (see earlier bit about human mental growth from the given scientific article on human cranial evolution) (see the documentary ’century of the self’ to understand why, with the article in mind, how the west, specifically the USA, has been in a forced mental march ..into a massive mental downturn... into retardation for at least the past 50 years)

Problem is, having a position at all, and talking, or rather writing about it on a forum... is a guaranteed disaster in some someone, somewhere, somehow.. will fill in and take offense. And that person will take their 100%, miss 90% of their mindset and true wide ranging intent simple due to the scenario of writing itself as a limited hangout in open reflection.... hit ’send’ on their reply...and then the reader can take that 10% they grok...and get all messed up about that...

And the ping pong goes on and on...
Which is why I’ve always said (connection to my prior post) that in order to get an engineering degree or masters or doctorate, people should be required to take at least two basic psychology courses and apply them.

Otherwise any instances on reality in science that emit from them as proclamations nailed to the science church door...are likely to be corrupted by their own inadequacies in their projections.

And if they don’t even know, at all... the vehicle that colors and filters them in every breath, the undercurrent of everything they are and do...then they can be dangerous. Plain and simply --dangerous.

The more elevated their scientific message, the more dangerously off kilter it can be, if they don’t even know what the hell they are. Which covers most people in the sciences. They are in the sciences as the humanities don’t fit them, for the very larger part.. A very dangerous scenario, in some cases and in overall directions in science.

But, I just insulted someone, and said... they don’t know themselves. Even if the remark is true ~and it is~, people will take insult.

As for knowing yourself, knowing the sound of the ego thing of the body making words in your own head, really does not cut it. That’s ground zero for that first step of a long journey.
As well, we’re always getting into new points of understanding, every day.

This just in... in the neuroscience of Human hearing. Science marches on:

It’s difficult to be a guru when the ground keeps changing.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."

- Bertrand Russel