Better Transport than CAL Delta

I have a CAL Delta/Alpha Combo, and I am currently using an Integra Research RDC-7 as the Pre Amp. At this time, we are leaning a preferance towards the Delta being processed by the RDC-7. If I were to sell my Alpha and my Delta, is there a better transport to have in the 1K new or used price range? I am also considering getting the mating DVD/DVD-A player from Integra Research. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by ton1313

I did swap the tubes in my DAC to 1963 GE Large Plates, and it was a Huge difference. The guys at my local shop are not recommending the 24/96 upgrade, they say take the upgrade money and sell the CAL and get a better DAC. As I stated I did just get the Integra Research RDC-7, and we are starting to prefer the DAC's in it to the CAL. So I see an opportunity to sell and get some $$$ for a new style of transport, either a dedicated CD or DVD/CD transport.

Thanks for all of the advice