Better story teller than Edmund Fitzgerald?

There was a thread on A'gon about the most perfect song.  We had reasons for picking various, but for me it was Gordong Lightfoot's Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Perhaps it featured an aspect of song writing that no one else much cared for:  A deep and detailed story in the song.

So I ask you, A'goners, what songs are as good or better at telling a story of a historical event? 


Showing 1 response by smerk

OK - so here is a quick note.  I happen to be a resident of Ohio when the Kent State incident occurred - with the Ohio National Guard. Still remember the bullet holes from the REAL bullets being used in that era. Rubber bullets were not issued.  This happened during my Wrestling workouts.  Secondly, I was a wiper/steward/chef help with my Merchant Marines Card issued to work on the  Great lakes specifically Lake Erie, Cleveland Boy.  I was slated to board the Ore Boat  my number was available - BUT played college soccer and had to go back to school.  The truth be told thought the boat could get a last run before the storms - need I say more.