Our Apogees were cabled with Swiss SYMO developed especially for Jason Bloom, the driving force and designer behind these legendary speakers. Jason personally recommended SYMO for his speakers. Of course, most of the wire under discussion here wasn't available at that time, except for Cardas, which Bloom occasionally paired with Krell for demos. The vast majority of shows, however, had Apogees cabled with SYMO, driven by Classe' gear, another Bloom favorite.
Ironically, while those Apogees we loved to hate are long gone, we're driving our Avalons with that same SYMO cable, having auditioned other wire, but so far, unimpressed enough to make a change. Newer doesn't necessarily mean better.
Ironically, while those Apogees we loved to hate are long gone, we're driving our Avalons with that same SYMO cable, having auditioned other wire, but so far, unimpressed enough to make a change. Newer doesn't necessarily mean better.