Better sound with ethernet cable?

I'm presently streaming music WIRELESS from my WiFi router to my Yamaha receiver.  I was told I would get better sound if I ran an ethernet cable. It's a fairly long run, maybe 50 feet total by the time I fish down through the basement and back up.  Before I drill holes and fish through the basement, I may just run it across my living room and see if it improves the sound.  Also, in my manual there are two different instruction for hooking up to wired or wireless. Can I just plug in the cable now or will I have to re-connect through the wired instructions?  Thanks for any input.  Doug

Showing 2 responses by oicu812

Hardwired is always better than a wireless connection. Quite few articles online in regards to this, not to mention quite a few previous discussions posted here in the archives. Another lil tidbit for when hard wiring, cat 5 is outdated.

Had an installer use cat 5 for a 200MB service and I was like, huh? No no no, anyways, I ended up throwing cat 7 in place.
Whoa, oh my...I see no gurus when it comes to wireless vs hard wired. I could copy/paste all day why hard wired is better.