Better sound quality than the I-pod?

I'm finally ready to make the jump to an IPod like device. I've heard some say that though the IPod rules in terms of usability, there are better units out there for sound quality.

I'll probably get a larger disk size so I can record uncompressed for the best sound quality. I'll put up with some minor inconveniences to get a superior sounding unit. I've heard good things about the Sony's, Creative Labs and others for sound quality. Does anyone know which brands sound best?

Showing 1 response by jayboard

Yes, Larry, iPod is a no-brainer. I'm can't vouch that iPod is absolutely the best in terms of sound, but I cannot see how you would regret purchasing an iPod. Frankly, I think Apple did a very impressive job in voicing the iPod. I agree with Brooks-- I don't associate bass-deficient and shrill with the iPod's sound in any way.