Better Sound For Free!

Read about this pearl in Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound:
If you are using a CD player, try turning it off and unplugging it from the wall outlet. Wait for one minute, not any longer. His theory is that this allows the computer in the the CDP to reboot.
I would presume this should also benefit outboard DACs.
I tried it and could tell a difference the first time I did it. Everything sounded better, clearer.
 I do it weekly now, but not detecting any further gains in SQ.
Bottom line: my system sounds better. And it cost nothing. 


Showing 1 response by wgutz


Tried unplugging everything audio and my perception of the noise floor actually increased. I now hear outside traffic, airplanes overhead, my refrigerator that is still plugged in for obvious reasons, even the gas fireplace makes a bit of high frequency noise. Plus my laptop fan has a continuous air-flow sound which is less obvious when the forced air heat comes on. Also, it allows the wife to express her opinions on a multitude of subjects.

So, I think you are in error, as the stereo in play actually lowers my noise floor. I think this phenomenon is known as masking.