Better Blu-ray player....


Do not most people who have a Blu-ray player, especially those that cost under a grand, use HDMI cables to hook up the player? If I understand correctly, if you use HDMI to hook up you player it by-passes the on-board Audio DAC and sends bitstream to the A/V Reciever and uses the DAC in the A/V Reciever. If this so why are there no Blu-Ray "transports", I do not see the need to pay for a bunch of DACs I will not use.

This is especially rediculious on the very high end Gear like McIntosh, Krell, Theta Digital, and others. They want you to buy their Processors, that have all the latest bells and whistles, best DACs, heck even Extreme DACs in some cases, then they would also like to sell you their Universal players that are also loaded with multiple DACs. So you eventually end up paying for DACs that you would never use.

In the world of CDs they make "transports" that require a separate DAC, seems to me this should be they way they approach blu-ray.

Showing 1 response by edorr

Theta will be releasing an all digital modded Oppo 93, with the analog section stripped out. This will be the Compli Blu 3D - MSRP $4000.

I was thinking like you a few years back and got myself a Denon 2500. It sucked.

But puzzling indeed why no one is jumping on this. I can even envision Oppo creating a premium variant of the 103 optimized as digital transport. Linear powersupply for just digital section, and upgraded clock for starters. The DIY community of course can already do this.

I would think the demand for a $1000 Oppo 103 premium digital transport would at least equal the 105 optimized for analog.