Better Amps For Talon Khorus CAT JL2 or Tenor 75?

Anyone have experience: better Amps for Talon Khorus X MKII
CAT JL2 or TENOR OTL 75wi or wp.

Pay attention to someone who has experience with both the Tenors and Belles monoblocks, the Belles is stunning in ways you have to hear to believe, massive power reserve leads to huge dynamics, the best bass control you've ever heard, total instrument separation at any volume under any massive barrage thrown at them, and best of all they are as involving as any amps you'll ever hear
I have owned the Belles monoblocks in my system with the Khorus XII's , Opus 21 CD player and Tom Evans Vibe preamp.
The bass was over-damped and almost muted. The highs were a little "steely". I now own Parasound JC-1 monoblocks and they easily bested the Belles 350 mono's. A match made in heaven. The Belles amps are good and my above comments are in reference to the JC-1's only.

to take the full benefit of the khorus II you will need to go for the new cross over,you don't reconise them,you may think you have change for another speakers and that's what hapening with mine as for the amp,viola symphonie +cadenza preamp.
I heard the khorus speakers with a marantz a/v reciever in 2 ch mode and an electrocomp cd player. the speakers sounded great.I thought even with this moderate eqiptment and lack of known program, the talons were in the range of the last high $$ system I heard. Full $40 000 elgar top levenson pre& wilson watt/puppies and this system was set up in a great room.

I can not say this was a fair audition, since I don't know any of the eqiptment that was involved.So I am wondering given my limited knowledge what all the hoopla about $20-30000 amps is.Was my experience just one of those lucky situations.
I am not so much an audio geek as a music person but I have some experience with systems. Mine,linn-astetix lo-cj17-cj140-orig ref 3a royal masters.To close given the low prices these speakers are being sold for what amp would it take to drive them for someone who wanted to base a system around these speakers.
thanks coco49