Best Whole House Audio?

My brother is preparing to build a new house, and wants audio in every room. Can anyone recommend a good system or set of components for this? He wants individual volume controls for each room, and would like it if it were possible to use multiple sources simultaneously (but in different rooms, of course), so I guess some kind of distributed controls would be needed. Yikes - and I thought two channel was getting complicated!



Showing 2 responses by costrosk

Heck of a start folks, thanks very much. Other issues have predominated of late, so I haven't gotten any further than this as yet - I'll post whatever I find as I find it, I guess.

I do agree that whole house is an audio orphan, though - how else to explain how few options there appear to be? I also agree that in-wall and in-ceiling speakers are probably not where we want to go, but Bro has concerns re: layout and furniture placement flexibility. Nothing insurmountable, I shouldn't think, just have to strategically place outlets as needed - but since he keeps changing the floorplan right now, we may be here a while. I agree about the mini-monitors, but think we might be looking at a high wall mount instead of stands - sorta using the ceiling for the floor in a traditional application. I've only done that once, with outdoor speakers in a hot tub room; though they weren't audiophile grade by a long shot, I did get adequate separation and reasonably balanced tone, though obviously not a "soundstage" to speak of. I spent a grand total of 15 minutes setting them up, too, so it's hardly a fair fight, eh?

As far as the budget goes, he's a big city lawyer (don't think I don't choke on that now and then, but...he's still my brother :-)) and is completely willing to spend like a drunken big city lawyer - so I think this is going to be fun! (Unless I do the reasonable thing and take Dekay's suggestion - then it's just another contractor to deal with and we'll probably get wonderful sound everywhere - but where's the challenge in that??

Dekay - I've been wondering just how many Paradigms it takes to choke a NAD!!
