Best way to wire up a sub


I have a new pre-amp with only XLR connectors and want to use my older Velodyne sub which has RCA input's only.
My question is can I just use an XLR>2 RCA's cable (using a Y Connector)?

My older pre-amp just had an RCA so I used a Y connector and then into the sub with no issues so I assume the XLR connector would work the same way etc.


Showing 1 response by bifwynne

Towman, as you sort through some of Al's excellent points, it may turn out that you need an impedance buffer that provides the multi-functionality that my buffer has.

Rather than write a long response at this point, I'll let Al work with you on resolving your question. Just keep in mind that hooking up a sub to your preamp may present some of the issues that I had re (i) impedance (load) presented to the pre, (ii) summing channels, and (iii) matching the pre's XLR output to the sub's SE input.

