Best way to spike a large tower ( 100 lbs +)

 So once you finally get them right where you want them, and wish to spike them right there, what is the best way? Im on carpet so I can't slide them once they are spiked. Is it safe to tilt and do one side, than tilt back for the other? Seems like that could put a lot of pressure on the first 2 spikes and maybe damage the base. If I flip them upside down and put all 4 spikes in I will never get them back in the exact spot. Is there a simple trick Im missing? Thanks in advance for any suggestions...
Not trying to be a wise arse but damn the carpet. You found the sweet spot where they need to be? Painters tape around the speaker base on the carpet for a reference, throw 2x4 up under the speakers and install the spikes, remove the 2x4. Now to tweak the exact location you want, wobble them back and forth until you’re satisfied.
The well heeled audiophile will of course invest in this

But I’ve never found any problem with the tilt on each corner approach, unless you have very spindly spikes there shouldn’t be any issues

i have much more difficulty adjusting the feet under heavy power amps on stands as these cannot be tilted like tall speakers, that’s when I did need to resort to a set of jacks/blocks to lift the, up
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