Best Way to Spend ~ $2000 for System Improvement

Hi fellow music lovers! I have about $2000 right now to improve my system. It can be for any component, but I'm thinking amplification first, power, pre, or integrated. SS or tube.

To begin, right now I have a Mccormack 0.5 Deluxe power amp with "A" revisions, an Eva 2 passive preamp, Metrum Octave v1 DAC, Dell laptop for music files. Sometimes I use a Teac H750 as a transport and GMA Pico Executive speakers. The room is small, about 14x18x10ft. I listen to about 50/50 rock and classical, mostly full orchestral. As far as just sound goes, I would like the bass to be "fast". No delay or overhang, not exaggerated, but detailed. Detail is important at any frequency, the more the better, but not at the expense of musicality. I realize at this price point, compromise is necessary, and treble would be the best place for that. No harshness allowed, but I'm in my later 50s now and don't hear treble like I once did.

I hope I've given enough info to get some good suggestions. I like the sound now, but think it could be better, maybe a slightly lower noise floor and a little more pace and rhythm while retaining it's sweetness and smoothness. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. BTW, if any existing question answers any part of this question, feel free to link it.

Showing 2 responses by meerzistar

Sell the 0.5 and move up the McCormack chain a little further $0.02.

I had the standard version with Bryston 3B NRB on the bottom. It held bass like a vice while the Mc brought sweetness elsewhere . Very hard to beat that partnership for similar money, and even more. However I'm not suggesting that here.

Outlets were mentioned, we put in a dedicated e-line and some heavy industrial grade outlets and realized improvements in about every direction. I once was one of the -how much better could it be guys-, providing no other appliances we're sharing line while listening. $100 for wire and 2 x 2 Howell outlets. They hold my heavy plugs like nobodies business. That in itself would of made them a good upgrade.

nyame your final sentence seems synonymous with McCormack gear not just the aforementioned preamp. Newer and older for that matter. The LD2 is a worthy contender in terms of sound and build quality. The volume controls are worth pointing out while the window for gush is still open. I should of went with that unit while I had a chance to. Theres no shortage of positive reviews adorning them but I was bitten that way in past circumstances, therefor hesitant. Having heard one after the fact I am still kicking my self a little bit.