Best way to find rattle in Talon Khorus?

I have a pair of Talon Khorus speakers and the right one has a bit of a rattle in it. I first noticed it when moving the speaker and with my ear to the speaker I hear it rattle. The music still sounds okay. I tried calling Talon but, as with an earlier thread, they seem to not be at home anymore. Weeks of calling and emailing has brought no response. I see the bolts at the bottom of the speaker and some set screws in the front, but I don't want to damage the speaker. Please help out if you have opened up your Khorus speaker.

Showing 1 response by samuel

I had _the exact_ same issue in both speakers when they were delivered, and it was the crossovers loose from their moorings. Aparently, some of the 3M materials they were using was not holding the crossover in place.

I'd recommend contacting Talon for advice, but it appears youve tried that already. Not sure what to tell you from here, but 95%, your problem was the same as mine. They sent me a replacement new pair, but that was four years ago.

I no longer own them.