best way to clean Grado Sonata

What is the best way to clean a Grado Sonata cartridge stylus?
Grado recommends no liquids of any sort, is there a good vibrating scrubber or something along this line?

By the way my LP12/300B/Grado combo smokes my Rega CD2000, it is interesting how I got used to CD sound and it seems like some of us have forgotten the amazing effortless and non fatiguing qualities of the LP.

thank you in advance for any info

Showing 2 responses by jimbo3

Fro years, I have been using a Discwasher brand stylus cleaner before playing each record. It is similar to SDCampbell's Signet, but without the vibrating action. The flat, 1/2" round brush has short,very compacted, fine bristles that one draws over the stylus to remove dirt.
The flip side has a 1/2" round mirror to inspect the stylus, but the mirror isn't much good.

I haven't tried any of the solutions that are supposed to clean caked-on crud, but several brands claim to do that. Maybe SDC can weigh in with any experience he has had?

THanks, SDC, I had forgotten that there was the problem with migration of the fluid, which is why I never used it when getting started years ago. (I knew there was a reason, but couldn't remember- y'know, for us old guys, the mind is the second thing to go.....)

Anyway, for Philjolet's information, I've found that cleaning with a stylus brush before playing EVERY record doesn't allow gunk to build up, making a fluid cleaning unnecessary.
