Best Volume Settings?

I have read various past threads concerning volume settings to achieve the best performance. In the latest issue of Stereophile, reviewer Jim Austin addresses this topic in the review of the Benchmark DAC3. He stated " most systems achieve their best noise performance in the top half of their volume range". Additionally he also stated " with the DAC3 set to its highest output level - the default setting - it was too hot in my system".

Interesting concept, so I decided to experiment with the volume controls with both my Hegel HD25 DAC and Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated Amp. As with the Benchmark, the default level setting for Hegel was its highest setting at 100. As a comparison, I reduced the Hegel's output level to 80 and using a db meter I then adjusted the PL to match the volumes as best as I could. As a baseline, I tried to achieve the average output volume of around 85dB which wasn't easy based on the dynamics of various recordings. With the Hegel set to 100, the PL volume control was approximately between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock. With Hegel set to 80, the PL volume control was between 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock depending on the recording. All the recordings included voices which I always use as a guide to determine the best sound. The recordings included early rock music and female singers from various genre. In order to do a true comparison, I switched the order of the output levels with each recording since our minds can play tricks on which sounds better.

So here are my results. Overall the system sounded best with the Hegel set to 80. At the setting of 100, it sometimes sounded a bit smeared or glaring. With some recordings it wasn't so easy to distinguish any differences. So is it the Hegel set at the max level or the PL set at the top half of the volume range or both? Either way the Hegel will no longer be set to the max.

I appreciate if anyone has had similar results with both the input and output levels.


Showing 1 response by janehamble

Digging up a thread from last the OP's testing mirrors my own experience concerning Dac Volume Control  vs Pre/Integrated Amplifier.

Like the OP, I own a Hegel HD25.  My amp happens to be a Belles Aria.

With the DAC set to 100%, my music gets "very loud" at 9-10 o'clock. It would be blowing the roof off at 11 o'clock.  My curiosity was prompted by a thread on the Harbeth User Group site, going back to 2014.  In it, Alan Shaw was adamant (as only he can be) that amps should be working towards the top part of their volume pot movement for best sound quality. i.e loud should be experienced between 2-3 o'clock.

Shaw went on the say that there must be something "seriously wrong" if you're spending most of the time listening in the 8-9 o'clock range.

Provoked by this, I spent some time over the weekend testing different combinations.  Here's what I found:

1) To achieve 2-3 o'clock on the volume pot for very loud music, I'd need to reduce the DAC volume to around 50%.  This produced a muddy, muffled sound quality.  Obviously no good.

2) Around 75-80% on the HD25 means "loud" is achieved somewhere in the 9:30-11:00 o'clock range.  The music is clearly more rounded and analog sounding than full 100%. It's more enjoyable and listenable for longer periods.  It still apparently has the detail and punch of full signal, without the glare.  I like it.

3) This evening I'll experiment a little more with 85-90%.  Could be the sweet spot, as the OP and others have found

4) 100%, I have concluded,  is too hot.  I've never experimented before as I accepted Hegel's recommendation that 100% is the preferred setting when using a preamp.  I never really cared about the volume pot position.  Having tried lower DAC settings and higher amp settings, I'm convinced this is the best solution.