Best Vinyl stores in L.A.

I am going to be visiting Los Angeles in the future and would like to know some of the best Vinyl store names and locations. It would be highly appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by dekay

I purchased vinyl from Rhino (in the 70's-80's) and it was a great shop. I also purchased from Arron's (sp), now on Highland in Hollywood (used to be on Melrose). Does anyone still shop there? They used to have a good used and import section. I trade CD's there occasionaly, but have not lokked at the vinyl (no longer do it).
Kubla: Too bad about Arons, another one bites the dust. I run across a lot of good vinyl in the WLA/LA/Hollywood area thrift stores "Out of the Closet's" in particular, but alas, do not have a rig. I may start picking them up anyway, just in case I change my mind some day.
Kubla: Both of those and many of the others. It's hit and miss, but they get new (old) collections in all the time and always have many on hand. I just started checking out the vinyl recently, but have purchased at least 300 CD's from them in the past year. I don't know how to check them to see if they have been "plowed", but they are only about a buck, so take a chance.