Best Vanishing speakers

What speakers do you feel pull of the best vanishing act?

Showing 1 response by royc

As a SoundLab owner I'm right there with Albert and company. They are unique in that you have only one fullrange driver. Pure phase coherency. If you want to experience something rather unique set up the A-1/U-1's and sit very close; in the near field, such that you are significantly closer to the speakers than they are from each other. The effect is startling, its like sitting right on the soundstage. You also minimize the room effects by being in the nearfield, although you still need to do a fair amount of rear wave damping. It looks pretty odd, sitting so close to 8 ft speakers. Just turn out thelight and get lost in the performance. Only a single driver speaker can do this (just like headphones) and the Soundlabs are one of the few single driver, full range speakers around.