Best value in integrated amps at a moderate price?

I am looking at purchasing an integrated amp. I am looking for a good deal/value. I would like a powerful amp - but I do not think I can get enough power in an integrated on a budget if you will. I have not decided on speakers yet. Can I get a couple of suggestions on a few products?

Showing 2 responses by philnyc


Yep, no doubt which speakers he chooses will have an impact on the amp he chooses. But I do think that the Blue Circle NSCS is a significantly better integrated than the CS...
Baroque_lover...the Blue Circle CS is a nice integrated amp, but I don't think I'd consider it to be a powerful amp. The Blue Circle NSCS, on the other hand, has a good amount of power and is IMHO a great value...

(disclaimer, I am a Blue Circle dealer)...