Best Used tube Preamp 1700-- 2500: advice needed

I'm seriously shopping for a new (used) preamp that will outperform my VTL 2.5TL. Even tho I think the 2.5TL is a really excellent preamp for the $$$, reading about (presumably) better preamps has given me the urge to upgrade. Also, I'm thinking that in my system, it's the next logical component upgrade (?). (Rest of my system is ARC VT100 MkII, B&W Matrix 802 S3's, CAL 25 CD player, & Rega P25 with a Benz Glider).

My priorities: I'm seeking better sound-staging & imaging, & generally "better everything", sound wise. Remote control is important to me. I also listen to about 30% vinyl, so a built in phono pre would be nice (as I have with my current preamp), but I've resigned myself to probably shelling out for a separate phono pre. I'm a tube convert, so I'm mainly thinking of tube units. Looks & ergonomics could possibly sway me if the sonic qualities are there.

And I guess looking not just for a great preamp, but kind of one of those "hidden jewels" that perhaps perform like much more expensive units. Right now, I'm considering, in order of interest: the Joule Electra LA100, & the VTL 5.5TL. Also, the ARC LS25 MkII or REF One?--(sorting out all the various ARC models & upgrades can give one a headache, but it's a logical choice given my current ARC power amp), or a C-J Premier 17LS. Various BATS (VK-5i--or??) have interested me, but I always seem to read comments like, "this BAT is really good, but the soundstage (or whatever) isn't as good as an ARC, or other preamp, etc. etc." Then there's the CAT......which I'm kind of reluctantly ruling out because of no remote, but the optional built in phono pre would be really nice, & I do understand it's reputation. Naturally I'd consider others......Cary's, Bel Canto's, etc.

I'm thinking that these are all pretty excellent choices......& when I buy used components sight unheard it usually seems to come down to opportunity/price/my gut feeling/phase of the moon/lots of reading, advice. etc. Or, I could pick one, & hold out for that.......

Any advice on any of this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Steve
I like the Space-Tech-Lab tube audio equipements very much, I buy their QA-115 pre-amp ($1280) , VP-105 power amp($1980), 512X DAC and speakers. I have compare thru the market a lot of hi-end vacuum tube equipments. Even their highest model can't approach the performances of those equipments I got. So just check their web site with the www and .com add to the company name above. You might find something you really dreamed for .

I have a CAT signature Mk.III that I am going to list for sale soon. It has the phono section, color is black, complete new tubes 2 months ago. I will ask $2850 obo so this is very close to your price range. No remote is a bother but I love this preamp. I had traded my Audio Research LS-2 on this a few years ago. The CAT worked well with my Audio Research D-400 until I traded it for Symphonic Line amps. I am selling the CAT Signature because I finally found something better-the CAT Ultimate! If you have any interest in buying my preamp let me know. Otherwise good luck in your search! Craig.
The Conrad Johnson Premier 14 is a great pre with remote , Can be had for under $2000.00 warm engaging dead quiet... Very musical Great from top to bottom deep clean base , startling midrange and shimmering high end, lots of ins & outs! SE only ! Phono optional, you sound like you would appreciate a higher quality outboard phono like the CJ or ARC or Sonic Frontiers (THE SFP-1 Sig. is AWESOME !)and very reasonable $ .