Best Used Bang for Buck if I Finally SWITCH ?

I have recently started to use iTunes in a windows environment. Despite some problems, I would ultimately like to back up and/or collect music in an uncompressed format although this project is off to a slow start.

For many years I have used windows just to more easily integrate with the office, but now I have just had my SECOND Sony VAIO laptop die in < 12 months, which is particularly tedious at home where I am unable to check emails, surf audigon and other critically important things over the weekends and at night while I wait to have it shipped off and repaired.

With hopes of a more stable operating system, I am thinking of switching to a Mac, thinking that my music and photos etc should also live on the home machine and I can transfer documents if really necessary on a portable USB chip.

Could any of you please advise me if you have successfully switched over to Apple?

Have you had greater reliability with both hardward and software?

For a good all around at home PC for general purposes and primarily internet access, which used Apple would you suggest to get started?

I am not doing any CAD, heavy number crunching, video editing etc, but like any self respecting agoner, would like the highest performance with the most extraordinary discount from original retail price.

Showing 1 response by wstritt

After a hard drive crash on my wife's PC, we decided to replace it with an iMac G5. She has been quite happy with it although, after using a Windows PC for a decade, the interface took a month or so to get used to. Maybe Apple is more intuitive but if Windows has become second nature, it does take time to switch. In particular, the standard one button Apple mouse has been quite annoying and probably should be replaced by a PC standard scroll mouse.

All important files readily transfer. Software tends to be somewhat more limited and expensive I assume due to smaller installed base. Only problem we have had is with bluetooth keyboard/mouse which I would not recommend. All in all, we are glad we bought it.

I would tend to agree with Faugusta about buying used. If you are on a budget, given what your stated use is, you might consider a new MacMini for $499 that you can use with your existing keyboard and monitor.