Best USB Asynchronous DAC 24/192 under $600? Help

Hello Audiogoners,
I am looking for a solid state DAC. What’s the best I can possibly get for U$S 500-600?
Requirements for the DAC:
- Asynchronous USB
- Support up to 24bit/192 khz via USB
I really don’t need extra features. All I care is good sound.
I did a little bit of research and these units made my list based on reviews, price, and capabilities:
1. Ami Musik DDH-1
2. Ami Musik DS5
3. Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus
4. Schiit Bitfrost
5. Asus Xonar Essence One
Which one would you buy? Am I missing units within this price range that are worth considering? I would really appreciate your expertise/suggestions!
Thank you all in advance

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