Best upbeat jazz/progressive jazz/new age CD?

Discovered a great CD called LIME PIE from someone on this site several months back. Took it to Rockymtn Audiofest and whatever room it was played in, the other listeners came up to me after for the title. Republicizing it here for those interested (faves are tracks 1,2,7, but all are good)

My system is finally mostly together and I am looking for more GREAT MUSIC to really show it off - the type of music where you can't get the tunes out of your head, nor your toes to stop tapping. Have plenty of "slow stuff" - looking for music that "cooks" and is VERY well recorded.


Showing 1 response by philipwu

hello everyone,

I need help here. I'm searching for paid music downloads sites that have new age songs from i.e. ENIGMA, ERA, TWO STEPS FROM HELL, DARK FOREST etc.. I usually listen to epic trailer music of soundtracks, usually by Hanz Zimmer, Thomas Bergerson, John Berry, etc..  but I have google many places (HDtracks, Junodownload, Soundcloud etc) and none seems to have these group/artists. I'm not considering MP3, WMA , so minimum quality should be WAV, AIFF or FLAC.  

anyone know of such paid download sites? Thanks in advance!
