Best type of metal for turntable platform?

I have someone that owns a CNC machine. And machine for me a metal platform to the dimensions of 16 x 13 x 3. Ive heard aluminum is a good metal vs price for vibration reduction. Does anyone have any recommendations? Any input would help. Thanks. 

Showing 1 response by billwojo

As far as metal goes the one material that has been in use for machine tools for decades is a special grade of cast iron called Meehanite. It's known for it's superior damping quality's , very important when designing a machine tool. The last thing that a machine tool needs to do is vibrate or ring, it wouldn't work very well.
I do believe it has been used before in a TT plinth, not sure who it was though.
If your going to use aluminum, maybe check out cast tooling plate. Being cast instead of wrought it should offer better damping characteristics. It's offered in many thicknesses and comes in a machined finish on both sides. It's cut to size using large CNC circular saws.
