Best tube type for biamping mids and up?

 Hello, I recently purchased a used Cary 120S MK2 for use in a biamp system with Legacy Focus XD speakers. While I’m pretty sure the EH KT88’s it came with will be fine, I started to wonder if any particular tube type lends itself to mids on up. Since each tube type has a different impedance curve, I thought I’d ask if anybody has tried different tube types with a particular tube type/impedance curve in mind for biamping mids on up. 

Showing 2 responses by rabbitholedigger

Yes, according to the manual and tech support: 6L6, 6CA7, KT-66, 6550C, KT-90, KT-99, KT-120, EL-34
Thanks, the previous amp in this slot, a highly modded Dynaco ST-70 has EL34’s, but they were straining to drive the 4x6” mids and 4 AMTs, and it is not setup to do triode, like the Cary is.