A little over your budget. I upgraded to PrimaLuna Prologue Premium pre-amp and Prologue Premium mono amps . 70W/ch EL-34 tubes. With 7ES-3s getting plenty dynamics, bass, tube glory without the ripeness that can blur resolution and transient attacks.
Best Tube/SS Amps for Harbeth 7ES-3
Hi, I just bought a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 - beautiful sounded speakers. Very natural and musical.
Now I need to get an integrated or Pre/Power combo to drive it. Budget is about $3-4K new or used. I read the 7ES-3 is easy to drive. Which amp works better with the 7ES - Tube or SS?
What amps do you use for your Harbeth 7ES? How much power output do I need to drive the 7ES to its full potential?
Would a 20 watt per channel tube amp drive the Harbeth?
Now that I've settled on the speakers, I can focus on getting the amps :)
Now I need to get an integrated or Pre/Power combo to drive it. Budget is about $3-4K new or used. I read the 7ES-3 is easy to drive. Which amp works better with the 7ES - Tube or SS?
What amps do you use for your Harbeth 7ES? How much power output do I need to drive the 7ES to its full potential?
Would a 20 watt per channel tube amp drive the Harbeth?
Now that I've settled on the speakers, I can focus on getting the amps :)